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The Game & VR Catalog

This article refers to Game and VR projects on For help with Celtx Gem, please, see here.

The Catalog contains information on everything you write and identify within your Game & VR script, organized by asset types. Sequences, Branch Points, and Characters with dialogue are automatically given catalog entries when they are created. Each unique asset is automatically assigned an alphanumeric ID tag.

Catalog categories are listed on the left-hand side.


Click on a category to view the associated assets.


Adding More Detail

To open an asset’s catalog entry, click on its title.


Within the catalog entry, there are various fields that you can fill in. These fields differ depending on asset type. The catalog will also show you in which sequence various assets appear, as well as compile state descriptions and associated data. You can integrate media with your assets by clicking the ‘Add Media’ button in the upper-left corner of the catalog page. Clicking ‘Remove’ will delete the asset from the catalog.

Adding More Items

Clicking the ‘New Item’ button Screen_Shot_2018-07-12_at_1.53.44_PM.png will open an asset creation menu. Here, you can create new assets that will be available to tag in your script via Breakdown Mode. Note that sequences and branch points cannot be created in the catalog.

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