This article refers to Game and VR projects on For help with Celtx Gem, please, see here.
The Game & VR script is composed of two distinct panels: the script editor and the Story Map. The script editor (on the left) is where you write your script content. The Story Map (on the right) is where you build your story structure and navigate between different sequences.
You may switch between a split-screen view of both, script editor only, or Story Map only, using the view buttons at the top of the script document.
The Game & VR script uses a screenplay-style formatting system. Using the TAB and return keys, or using the script element dropdown, you can quickly switch between the following formatting elements:
- Gameplay
- This is a general purpose prose element for writing action, descriptions, and so on.
- Character
- These elements contain character names and preface lines of dialogue.
- Dialogue
- These elements contain spoken dialogue associated with a character.
- Parentheticals
- These optional elements appear above or within Dialogue elements. They represent stage direction or scripted action that occurs during dialogue.
Alternatively, you can use the keyboard commands listed next to the elements in the dropdown.
Each sequence node contains its own unique script content. The script panel will display the script of whichever sequence node is currently selected in the Story Map. For reference, the currently selected node will be highlighted.
Deep Copy & Paste
This feature enables the mass duplication of nodes that includes any associated content (except logic and breakdown items). To use it, highlight any number of sequences and select ‘Copy’ in the context menu. Right-click anywhere in the Story Map background field to select ‘Paste’. You can also use the Keyboard Shortcuts: Copy:Ctrl+Shift+C / ⌘+Shift+C & Paste:Ctrl+Shift+V / ⌘+Shift+V.
The Script Menu
When you enter the script-only view, a floating Script Menu will become visible on the right-hand side of the page. You can utilize this menu to add images and notes to specific points in your currently selected script document. You can also use 'Navigation' to select which sequence
Adding Sequences
Sequences are the fundamental building blocks of your Game & VR script. Each sequence node you create represents a unique portion of your Game & VR story, and contains its own dedicated script. By default, a new project will contain three sequences, labelled ‘START,’ 'Sequence 1,' 'Option 1,' and 'Option 2' in the Story Map (as well as 1 branch point)
There are three ways to create sequences: The ‘New Sequence’ button, via the Context Menu, and via the Branch Point settings:
- New Sequence Button
- On the Sequence Menu, give the sequence a title (you may also add an optional description, notes, or visual changes to the node) then click ‘Update’. This will spawn the new sequence node on your Story Map, and automatically select it.
- Under the sequence 'description' field, there is a checkbox where you can set whether you want your new sequence to be connected via transition from your currently selected sequence.
- Via Context Menu
- You can add a new sequence node to the Story Map by right-clicking on it and selecting ‘Add Sequence’. This will create a new sequence that is automatically connected to the current sequence via a transition. The Sequence Menu will not appear automatically, but you can access it by double-clicking the sequence.
- Via Branch Points
- When you open a branch point menu, you will see a field called ‘Connecting Sequences.' This is where you define which sequences the branch connects to. If you enter a sequence title that does not currently exist in your Story Map, it will be automatically created and connected to the branch point.
- Via Interactive Dialogue
- Hovering over a 'response' box in Interactive Dialogue will allow you to create new sequences that occur in the story as a result of the player's dialogue choice. Just click 'New Sequence,' fill in the details, and the sequence will be added to the story map, branching from the Interactive Dialogue node.
- Hovering over a 'response' box in Interactive Dialogue will allow you to create new sequences that occur in the story as a result of the player's dialogue choice. Just click 'New Sequence,' fill in the details, and the sequence will be added to the story map, branching from the Interactive Dialogue node.
Adding Branch Points
Branch points enable you to connect your sequences together and create narrative paths. To create a branch point, select the sequence node where you want the divergence to take place, then click the ‘New Branch’ button.
View the full article on Branches >
Interactive Dialogue
The Interactive Dialogue system allows you to create automatically-templated branching dialogue exchanges. Creating an Interactive Dialogue sequence functions similarly to branching: select a desired originating sequence, and click ‘Interactive Dialogue’.