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Releases and Updates (October 2022 to December 2022)

Celtx releases new features, fixes and improvements approximately twice weekly. Except where features are plan-specific, these updates reach all of our clients once released. There's no need to update your version or download anything. You're automatically updated to the newest and best version of Celtx whenever you log in.

Here you can view our release notes by date. The notes are arranged by the following categories:

  • New Features: A self-explanatory title, under this heading you'll find new features, large and small. 
  • Fixes and Improvements: These include bug fixes, internal issue fixes, and improvements made to help our features perform better or pave the way for future features.
  • Optimization: These include internal optimization fixes to things like load times, storage, etc.
  • Removed: On the rare occasions where we sunset an older feature or function, it will be listed here.
  • Security: Occasional security updates will be listed here.

Every release always includes a number of smaller fixes and changes to improve the Celtx experience for all users. 

If you're interested in a particular feature you can use ctrl/cmd+F to search the page. Remember, you can always submit bugs and suggestions for improvements to our support staff at any time.



Release Notes 2022-10-04

Fixes & Improvements

  • WWW: Updated the Login page on to improved clarity and improve the user experience. 

Release Notes 2022-10-12

Fixes & Improvements

  • Multi-column AV: Added an option to disable hyphenation from the PDF download of a  Multi-column AV script.

Release Notes 2022-10-13

Fixes & Improvements

  • Windows Screenplay & Mobile app: Corrected an issue where creating an account from either of the Windows Screenplay & Mobile apps would not complete.

Release Notes 2022-10-19

Fixes & Improvements

  • Catalog: Corrected an issue where the episodic filter was not working correctly in the Catalog. 
  • Catalog: Improved the Catalog performance when a duplicating a project and the original project is deleted, potentially causing the new version to fail to open. 
  • Episodic Tools: Improved how episodic options are displayed.
  • Goals: Updated and improved the script goals feature.

Release Notes 2022-10-26

Fixes & Improvements

  • Sharing: When sharing a script we improved the options to make it more clear and concise. 

Release Notes 2022-11-07

Fixes & Improvements

  • Project Navigation: We added a small update that would improve how the navigation menu behaves. It will now persist when clicking into various features of a project. 

Release Notes 2022-11-09

Fixes & Improvements

  • Long loading times with Education studio management page
  • login: fix UX for invalid session login screen

Release Notes 2022-11-21

New Features

Fixes & Improvements

Release Notes 2022-12-01

Fixes & Improvements

  • When exporting to .fountain, getting @ symbols added to characters.
  • fountain export: character names are not capitalized







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