As a Screenwriter, whether you’re just starting out and looking to break into the industry, or have been in the trenches for quite some time, there are specific guidelines surrounding the elements used in writing a screenplay that you’ll need to know.
In this series, we’ll review the Elements available to you within Celtx that you can utilize in your creative process.
To begin, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the Element Dropdown available within the Editor in the top navigation bar, seen below:
While writing, you can easily switch between the different elements by either using TAB or the hotkeys. Please see below for a full list of the hot keys for each available based on the type of device you’re using:
*Please note that certain browsers may vary slightly, but these changes will be indicated in the Element Dropdown.
Now that we’ve got the technical details out of the way, it’s time to move on to the specific formatting rules!
Each section below will outline the finer details of recommended best practices, and if you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to
And remember - the most important thing while you’re writing is that it’s authentic to your own creative process!
Next Up >> Scene Headings