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Day out of Days Report


They Day out of Days Report is a way to quickly see, at a glance, which days your Catalog items (cast, locations, props, etc...) will be used in your production. 


To create a DooD report, you need to ensure your shoot days and start days are defined in the calendar. From there, head on over to your report section and click "Day out of Days Report" to get started:

Once you click on the "Day out of Days Report" button, you'll simply have to select a category to generate the report. 

Please note: only catalog categories with items will be listed.

Reading the report

When the report is created, you'll notice that each row is a unique asset, and each column is a shoot day. In the grid you'll find letters indicating when an asset starts (SW), works (W), or finishes (WF). If an asset is only requited for one day, this will be displayed as SWF.

Working with the report

You'll be able to display your report as a 'Scroll view' or 'Page view' (1), depending on your desired output. Clicking on the first column (2) will sort the report by start work date.

From there you can download or print your document for distribution. 

Day out of Days Report for Cast

When looking at your cast, clicking on the Number column (3) will let you sort by character number.




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