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Managing Students

Screen_Shot_2023-03-06_at_9.59.56_PM.png This article references information for the Celtx Classroom Plan.
If you are looking for information related to Celtx Education Studios, please, go here.

The Students section of your Online Studio will allow you to manage all of your students. You'll be able to add and remove students, resend invitations that have not yet been accepted, and use the "Become User" functionality.


Adding Students

To add Students to the seats available in your Classroom Plan, simply enter the email of the student and select Add or use the Enter key.


You'll be presented a message indicating that an invitation has been sent to the student.


Students that have been added will appear on the Students page as Invited.


When students accept their invitation, they'll appear on your Students page as a Classroom Member.



You can learn more about the Student invitation experience in our Student: Joining a Classroom Plan article. This article can also be shared with your Students so they understand what to expect. 


Errors Adding Students

There are two types of errors that you may be when sending inviting students to your Classroom Plan.


This error indicates that the email has already been used to invite a student.


This error indicates that the student that you attempted to invite has an existing Celtx subscription. The Support Team can help with this, comunicating with yourself and the student to help ensure that the student understands the options in terms of keeping their own subscription or joining your Classroom plan. For help, please email


Removing Students

You can remove users at any time, whether they have accepted their invitation or not. 

If a user has not yet accepted their invitation, simply hover over the Invited status and you'll see the option to Remove them. You'll also see the option to Resend the invitation.


If you remove a student that has not yet accepted their invitation to your Classroom Plan, their unverified account will still be available to them should they wish to utilize as a free or personally paid account in the future. 

For students that have accepted their invitations, hovering over the Classroom Member status will present you with the option to Remove from Plan


When you remove students from your Classroom plan, their Studio is not deleted, it simply reverts to a free account. They will still be able to access all of the work they created or was shared with them during their time as a member of your Classroom plan. To unshare work with them so they can no longer access it, please use the "Team" page of the specific project to remove the student. 


Resending Invitations

When you initially invite a student to your Classroom Plan, they receive the invitation via email. The link in this email that a student can click to confirm they would like to join your Studio will expire after 72 hours. 

If after 72 hours the student has not yet accepted their email invitation, you have the option to resend an invitation. To do this, hover over the Invite status beside a student's name and use the Resend option.



For students that do not have a previously existing Celtx account, the email invitation is the only way for them to join your Studio. 

For students that have an existing free Celtx account, they'll also be presented with an in-app invitation when they login. From this in-app invitation, they can accept or decline the invitation. 


Declined Invitations

If a student declines the invitation to your Classroom Plan, it will be indicated with a Declined status.


Hovering over the Declined status, you'll have the option to either Remove the student, or Resend the invitation if the student declined in error.


Next Up >>> Checking Student Accounts: Become User


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