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Removing Team Members and Keeping IP

You can remove team members from your Professional studio at any time and reassign their license to another coworker or contractor. You can also reassign any work they have in their Celtx studio so that you don't lose your access to files they've created.

You remove members from the same place you added them: the Members panel available under "Management."

Simply select one or more members and click the delete icon:

The next step will ask you to confirm you want to remove the individual and what will be done with their files. These would be the files that they themselves created and would not include files created by others and shared with them.

You have the option to let them keep their files; transfer the files to yourself; or transfer them to another team member. Note: if removing several members at once your answer will apply to the files for all members selected.

Once you confirm your choice, the member will be removed from your Professional  studio and will have their own individual account, with access to our Basic plan (unless they chose to subscribe).

You can then add another member to the unoccupied seat.

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