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Creating and Managing Production Groups

Exclusive to our Professional and Education clients, the group management feature allows you to generate working groups from your studio members.

The purpose of groups is to facilitate sharing. If you have projects that are worked on on a team basis or if you want to be able to easily share new concepts with all writers or a script ready for breakdown with all department heads, you can create a group to instantly make sure everyone who needs access has it.

To Create a Group

Under Management ->Groups, you will be able to create and manage groups. Click on "+new group." Now you can name a group and select teammates to add.

*Note: only admins can create groups.

To Manage Groups

Once you've created a group you can edit it to add or remove members, see who is a member and see what projects they are working on and when a member of the group was last active by expanding their record under groups:


To Share with a Group

Sharing with a group works the same as sharing with any individual. When you select "Share" on a project or file, simply begin typing the name of the Group to have it appear and select it from the list. Every individual in that Group will then have access to the Project.

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