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Script Drafts

Celtx now has a Drafts feature, included with all paid plans. Users can create a Draft from all their Film & TV scripts to save important versions of their scripts, stash a different plot arc, etc... Each draft will have its own script history, like with all other scripts. Here's how it's done: 

  1. Under the file menu in the Film & TV script editor, select the 'Save as Draft' option. 

    Save as Draft.png

  2. From there, give the draft a name and click save to complete the process. You will have the option to load the draft, or, continue editing your main script. 

  3. All of your drafts for your project will be placed under your drafts folder. Please note: If you have no drafts, the folder will be hidden.

You'll be able to identify you're in a draft by the grey banner in the name, in the top menu

Also, drafts have the option to create a project from that script, or, to delete the draft itself:





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