Title Pages are available to Screenplay and Stageplay formats in the Online Studio.
Title Page Lines & Formatting
Adding an Image to the Title Page
Printing the Title Page
Title Page Lines & Formatting
The Title Page editor conforms to industry-standard formatting, including right-of-center offsetting of binder-rings. All fields support multi-line text, which allows you to include multiple authors or the inclusion of both Series and Episode name in the "title" line.
Adding an Image to the Title Page
Your title page can also include images in two formats: Centered Image and Image Only. You can add any image from your image library, or upload from your computer. To enable either of those modes, click the Title Page option from the Edit menu.
From there, your title page will display as follows
Just click on the "Add Image" button, and select an image from your Image Library. To change an existing image, just click on the image and select another.
Which will add that image to the page.
Printing the Title Page
When selecting your printing options, you can choose to print the script, the title page, or both. Under the "Print the following" dropdown, select "Title Page and Script":